എന്താ വിജയാ നമുക്കി ബുദ്ധി...

The tale of our beautiful jungle resort

ELA forest stay happened just on the simple thought of having a weekend getaway and staying in the forest to refresh and rejuvenate our mind and body. We initially planned it like a vacation home for our family. 

Ela forest stay is the vision (ഭ്രാന്തെന്നും പറയും..) of Jaison who passionate traveller (റേഷൻകടയിൽ അരി വാങ്ങാൻ പോകുന്നതും ട്രാവെല്ലിങ് ആണല്ലോ..) and entrepreneurs who wanted to have a vacation home inside the forest. Later, (when his pocket drained out) he connected with Mittu who has similar ideas and vision. Both of us created the most of everything(പട്ടി പണിയും പട്ടിണിയും, നാട്ടുകാരുടെയും വീട്ടുകാരുടെയും ചോദ്യങ്ങളും) and wow effects in elaForest. Again, we planned to add more partners to avoid calls from banks (ഇല്ലത്തെ അവസ്ഥ we hate bankers)! Now we have Treesa, Philip, Vishnu and Jimal. They personally find this a very calm and soothing place which is a getaway from the busy city life and their hectic jobs. ഇങ്ങനത്തെ ആർക്കും മനസിലാകാത്ത ആഗ്രഹങ്ങൾ വെച്ചുപുലർത്തുന്ന എല്ലാ ടെക്കിസിനും ഞങ്ങൾ ഇതു സമർപ്പിക്കുന്നു.

2018 – It was a plain land in forest

2019 – Metals frames..

2020 – Welcome guests..

2021 – Added Gathering spot

2022 – Greenish..

2023 – More rooms..

നുമ്മ ആഗ്രഹിച്ചത്...

What are we trying to achieve

Different stay (Erumadam) and experience family friendly offroad
Affordable getaway to the forest to go back to the roots and introduce your young ones to mother nature.
Employment opportunity to local people.
Adding more indigenous plants.

ലുക്ക് ഇല്ലന്നെ ഒള്ളു ഭയങ്കര ബുദ്ധിയാ...

The origins of Kerala’s ideal forest stay.

ELA forest stay happened just on the simple thought of having a weekend getaway and staying in the forest to refresh and rejuvenate our mind and body. We initially planned it like a vacation home for our family. When we started to notice how the people visiting here are enjoying the view of foreststay, we thought of expanding it a little bit to accommodate more people and give them also a chance to visit the forest and have a stay at Ela forest to enjoy the beauty of Idukki and have the experiences which have blown our minds. We are more than happy if our small abode brings smiles to your faces, freshness to  your minds and relaxation to your brain and that is our inspiration.

Feedback about our Tree house (Home-stay)

നന്ദി മാത്രം ഒള്ളല്ലേ!!

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